Back-up Settings
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Back-up Settings

Ask Back-Up On Exit

If selected and "Auto Back-Up" is active Field Track will ask whether you wish to create a back-up file when you exit any one of the Field Track interfaces. Selecting "Cancel" on the save file requester will mean no back-up file is created. The requester gives you the opportunity to change the file name, thus not overwriting an existing back-up file.

General Back-Up

If selected, Field Track will copy all your data files to another folder. By default this will be in the 'Data' folder wherever your data files are. Use the option below to tell Field Track to place these files in a location outside the Field Track's installation folder as a safe guard. Selecting this option will not evoke a 'Yes/No' request. The task will be done regardless of any other settings. This a secondary and fast method of backing up your records.

Auto Back-Up

If selected Field Track will create a default compressed back-up file for you. The above "Ask Back-Up On Exit" decides whether you will be asked to confirm this action. Confirming the action would allow you to change the file name if you so required.

Back-Up All Files

The ZIP back-up routine can selectively back-up only some of your records, or all of them. One is obviously faster than the other, however if you do not back-up all your files there is the potential to have missing files. This feature is only related to the "Auto Back-Up File" and not manual backing up of records within Field Track, so allows you to make 'quicker' back-ups when closing Field Track.

ZIP Back-Up

This makes your "Auto back-Up File" a zip file. You can select a level of compression to compromise back-up speed and file size. A value of 6, or 7 offers good speed for only a slight increase in the resulting file's size on the disk. ZIP files can multi-span small floppy disks if the file size is greater than the available free space on the disk.

CAB Back-Up

CAB files copy all your files regardless of setting and offer a small file size, however are slower to create. CAB files do not multi-span disks, for example floppy disks.

Auto Back-Up File

You can tell Field Track the default path and file you wish to use for your back-up file.

General Back-Up Folder

Inform Field Track of the folder you wish to use for your "General Back-Up" copies. This folder will simply receive an exact copy of your data folder and its contents.

None of the above options make backups your report database files, as your report database is seldom altered, however an option is available within Field Track to make a back-up of your report template databases.