Storage & Equipment Records
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Storage & Equipment Records

Field Track allows you to store general information. For example ACCS store records, common machine settings, etc. This can be useful is storing any type of seasonal information. Your NRoSO point records, or anything you care to imagine.
Headings are generic, so can be used for whatever reason you wish.

"Store" allows you to allocate an operation to a grain store for ACCS recording.

The "All Seasons" check, when active, will copy the record into the next season's "Storage & Equipment Records" database and is useful for carrying information forward to the next season. "Machine Settings" being a good example.

To create "Machine Settings" create a "Type" called "Machine Settings" and enter in specific machine entries under this type. Of course machine settings can also be stored in your specific machine database when entering application costs, etc.

Example "Types" can be "Cleanings", "Pest/Rodent Control", "Grain Temps", etc.

This allows you to import information from a PDA, or any remote computer system using the Field Track import wizard. Imported records will be given a season tag of the currently viewed season.