Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

Upgrading Field Track

Depending which version of Windows® you are using, upgrading from an older version of Field Track can be a little involved.
Field Track 2.x can only effectively upgrade from version 1.17.20 Field Track files, so it important that you were at least on version 1.17.20 of any previous version and this version has at least being run once. Version 1.17.20 can be downloaded from the Support - Download website.

To convert your old MS Access data files to the new 2.x version of Field Track, the Windows® OS must have the MDAC (ADO) system files installed. Windows® XP comes with these files pre-installed.

All other versions of Windows® will require a MDAC install file to be run before upgrading to Field Track 2.x. These files are available on all Field Track CD's, or can be downloaded from Microsoft MDAC 2.7 Files
. You can also pre-test your machine to see if MDAC/ADO is installed by running this file: ADO Test Program (42Kb).

When Field Track runs for the first time it will detect you have no data and will offer an upgrade option, which will require selecting and then Field Track will ask for the location of your previous Field Track installation. These steps are detailed here:

The upgrade process does not affect your old Field Track files, as it a completely separate program. Any problems with the upgrade thus can be corrected and attempted later. Common problems with the upgrade process are no MDAC/ADO system files installed, or corrupted MS Access database files from your old Field Track version.

Error When Upgrading/Creating New Database

Some machines may get an error that "UpgradeFT.exe" cannot be found. This is a very specific and odd error to encounter. To cross this bridge, close Field Track and locate the Field Track folder using "My Computer" - ("C:\CCI\Fieldtrack\"). In this folder they will be two "*.bat" files called: "FTCreate.bat" and "FTUpgrade.bat". One creates a new database and the other upgrades your old Field Track database files. Double-click the respective ".BAT" file and continue. Once complete you will be able to run Field Track correctly.

Checking for updates & news

Field Track includes its own upgrade system, where it will check the Internet for new releases, inform you of the changes and then download and install the latest version for you. You can decided which files to download to speed up the process. You can also check the Internet for the latest news about Field Track from within Field Track itself using the available options in the "Help" menu.

Setting up email to work in Field Track

Field Track uses something called a SMTP server to send email back to Co-ordinated Computer Integration, for purposes of feedback email, or registration details when you purchase Field Track.

A "SMTP" server is your ISP's outgoing email server and Field Track will require to know this server's name before it can send registration details, or emails. Your ISP and email client software will know this server name and you can follow the instructions here to assist in finding the server's name for your ISP. Review the help section "Configuration" to find information about your "Email Settings".

Should you change your ISP (Internet Provider) you will need to change the SMTP server address within Field Track to re-enable its email abilities.

If you use the Field Track Registration/Email functions, then Field Track will also require access permission through your Internet firewall.

How do I register Field Track?

Field Track can be registered by purchasing a "Client" licence. A "Professional" licence is part of the yearly "Field Track User Club". To register Field Track you will also need to email your encrypted registration details to your supplier, or Co-ordinated Computer Integration. Field Track provides two methods to do this:

Firstly fill in your details and then press the "Encrypt" button to create your registration details for email. You can then use Field Track's internal email system, assuming you have correctly set-up your "Email Settings" and have Field Track send the information directly.

You can also press the "Copy To Clipboard" button to have the information placed in the computer's clipboard, which can then be pasted into an email message in your email client software using your email software's "Edit" - "Paste" menu option.

Your encrypted registration details are required to generate a unlock key for your version of Field Track.

All Field Track upgrades are free, so existing customers upgrading to the latest 2.x version of Field Track simply need to send in their registration details with a short note detailing their account details (this can be in the registration information of course.)

Some features do not work?

Several key features will only work if you are using the "Professional" version of Field Track. Development costs a lot in time and money. For a small yearly subscription of £32 you can gain better support through the "Field Track User Club" email server, as well as many more features in Field Track.

Field Track "Professional" requires you to have purchased a "Client" licence. A "Client" licence is a one off payment (R.R.P: £80). Joining the "Field Track User Club" will allow yearly access to the "Professional" version.

Please review the help file to see what extra features and services are available with the "Field Track User Club" and the "Professional" version of Field Track.

How do I create part fields?

You can simply 'Add' another field and give it a field name similar to that used in the original field you are trying to split. You will also need to change original field's cropped area figures to match the remaining area after the field split. To keep cropping histories correct you may also want to change the part field's "Base Field" number to that of the original field.

Field Track also offers a split field creation process under the "Records" - "Create Split Field" menu option, where it corrects the original field's cropped area, as well as uses the correct "Base Field" number.

How does stock control work?

How stock control works is covered extensively here:

It is also beyond the scope of this FAQ to cover it in great detail. The Field Track stock control system is a simple idea in a complex user environment.

Stock, as a whole, is in 4 parts:

Stock Link
Stock Item
Stock Inventory

The "Product" holds the information for the product. The "Stock Item" is an item of stock, so can be the same name as a "Product", or something named differently. "Stock Item" holds the stock levels and current price. The "Stock Inventory" is a list of purchases and sales, which then create a stock level and average price. The "Stock Link" simply links a "Product" to a "Stock Item". The idea of the "Stock Link" is so you can link a single "Product" to more than one "Stock Item". "Stock Items" can thus be based on a store location and/or a specific name. For example one "Product" can thus be link many different stock item names (difficult product names). In this latter example a single chemical product can have many different brand names (Stock Items).

Using stock control is simpler than it first appears. Create your "Product" in your product database. This can be used regardless of stock control, so the use of stock control is up to the individual and can be used on an individual basis. To engage stock control, simply link the "Product" to a "Stock Item. A "Product" can be linked to an unlimited number of "Stock Items". When applying a multiple linked "Product", Field Track will ask which "Link" to use.

Please remember why you are using stock control. There is little point going to all the trouble creating stock items and inventories for something that is going to be applied in one session. For example it would be a long drawn affair creating a product and stock entry for a bag of seed when you are simply going to apply it to the field(s). It would be far quicker to simply apply the total product, with a total price to the select number of fields in batch processing. Field Track can report of product usage through the reporting system if required. Batch processing allows for later batch editing.

Stock control is mainly for price averaging and more complex stock management issues rather than simply applying records to your fields.

Stock levels do not alter after an application?

This is a common feature people overlook. The stock system uses the Stock Item's "Roll-Up/Close Date" to only affected records in that season, or time frame. When a stock item is created it is given the computer's current date and time, which will probably be after the application date and time. When you create a Stock Item be sure to make its date and time before the application record's date and time.

The Stock Item's "Roll-Up/Close Date" can be edited at any time and the figures recalculated.

What is the 'Opening Balance' in a Stock Item?

When you create a new Stock Item the opening balance and total cost are semi irrelevant. As long as neither one has an entry they will be ignored. If Field Track complains that the balances need entering it is because one, or the other has an entry and if one figure is entered, the other is also required. Clearing both will not present a request.

The opening figures are mainly used when you close a stock item, which clears your purchase and sales inventory ready for the new season of stock. Any remaining stock will be entered into the opening balances. A new Stock Item generally will not have any opening balance, however you can enter them if you so wish.

An opening balance does not always mean you need to enter what is in your shed. For example you create a Stock Item for the Nitram currently residing in your shed. You do not enter this as an opening balance. The opening balance remains blank and you enter a "Purchase" to account for the Nitram.

The Stock item's opening balance does, however, provide an area to tweak the figures should you require to do so.

How does 'Main Income' work?

The latest version of Field Track has implemented a far better way for Main Income to calculate your income when you have a shed full of grain and no direct way to allocate this to a field.

By default Main Income is based on the field's area, as a field area will always exist. You can change this in your "Configuration" settings to "Yield Based". "Yield Based" will mean the field's income will vary depending on your yield records. "Area Based" will give all fields the same income/area.

Main Income is very simple to understand. Your Main Income list is NOT field specific and will always display sales as per the "Sales Crop" type selected. For example, regardless of the field you are looking at the Main Income list will always show, for example, your sales of "Feed Wheat". This list is for all the sales and are not specific to that field. Moving to another field allocated to "Feed Wheat" will therefore show the same Main Income list.

Main Income works on the prinicple that you have, for example, 1000 tonnes of wheat in the shed and several wheat fields. As you sell this wheat you can allocate income to all your fields marked with a "Sales Crop" type relative to the wheat in the shed. E.g. "Feed Wheat".

Field Track takes the total income of your sales, e.g., £36,000. It then either takes the total area, or total yield for the fields with a matching "Sales Crop" type. For each field it deduces what percentage the field is of the total area, or yield and then allocates that percentage of the total sale value to that field. For example, if field X's yield is 10% of the total yield for "Feed Wheat" then field X gets 10% of the total sale value (10% of £36,000). The result means that your incomes will always balance regardless of incorrect yield entries. It also means that the field's income will be better understood than previous versions of Field Track.